JBJ Legal's litigators are well known in their communities for combining a deep understanding of business objectives and experienced legal knowledge. Our goal is to find a solution for every problem, and better yet, prevent issues from arising by actively counseling clients on risks.
Whether a client faces a dispute that has been building gradually or requires an emergency injunction, JBJ Legal's attorneys are responsive, strategic, and practical.

JBJ Legal assists clients in a wide range of substantive areas of law facing businesses and individuals, including:
Enforcement of Commercial and Business Contracts
Closely Held Corporate Disputes, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, and Ownership Litigation
Review, negotiation, drafting, and guidance regarding all contractual arrangements pertaining to the employment relationship, including
Employment Litigation
​Offers of Employment
Employment Agreements
Non-Compete, Non-Solicitation, and/or Non-Disclosure Agreements
Trade Secrets
Severance or Separation of Employment Agreements
Releases and Waivers of Claims
Employee Handbooks, training on policies and procedures, monitoring and guidance on best practices in the workplace
Proactive guidance on the full range of employment issues, including employee discipline and background investigations and requirements under laws as diverse as FLSA, FMLA, ADA, Title VII, WARN, COBRA and their state and local counterparts
Real Estate, Leasing, and Landlord/Tenant Disputes
Intellectual Property, Name Image and Likeness, Defamation, False Light Invasion of Privacy, and Rights of Publicity
Franchise, Reseller, Distributor, and Sales Representative Disputes
Insurance Recovery
Merger and Acquisition Issues
Independent Contractor Agreements
Construction Litigation
Professional Licensing and Consumer Complaints filed with the Attorney General