1. Hire vendors. We have been lucky to work with some incredible vendors right out of the gate. Our IT provider, Modern Information Solutions has blown us away. They have been ready to help with every task big and small. Chose your vendors carefully and then trust them to do the things they do best.
2. Hire the right team. Kim, BJ, and Hannah can't do it alone. JBJ Legal is excited to announce three new hires:
Alexandra Blackwell, Associate Attorney (ablackwell@jbjlegal.com)
Kellie Bowling, Office Manager and Legal Assistant (kbowling@jbjlegal.com)
MacKenzie Johnson, Law Clerk (mjohnson@jbjlegal.com)
3. Be flexible. We fell in love with a space for our new office and then we lost it to another tenant. And guess what? We picked ourselves up and found another option, which we think we might love even more than the first one. Don't get tunnel vision on anything.
4. Take care of your business. It is easy when starting a new endeavor to get wrapped up in all the little emergencies that happen. But the reason we started this law firm was to take care of the clients, who have been some of our most loyal supporters. Tell your clients and customers the truth and trust that they will take care of you the same way you take care of them.
5. Do what you love. This one may sound trite, but it is one of our most important principles at JBJ Legal. We authentically love being lawyers and that makes all of the hard parts of starting a new firm much easier.